I’d like to take a moment and consider just what it is that is so crucial to the modern-day Renaissance Man (or Woman).
Just to recap, a modern-day Renaissance Man (or Woman) is somebody who is well-versed in multiple domains of life, including, but not limited to, health, relationships, art, science, and communication.
If one looks at all of the true Renaissance Men and Women throughout history: Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo, all the way up to Madonna and Steve Jobs, it seems that the common denominator, the binding factor, is none other than Creativity.
It may seem cliché, but the drive to create was and is always the main force behind every Renaissance Person. Whether it be to create a painting, a piece of music, a new philosophy, or a new approach to astrophysics, the essence of a person who excels in multiple domains is that of a drive to make something out of nothing, or at least to transform something into a new and previously unseen style, mode of thought, or art form.
This may seem like an arbitrary remark, and for some, perhaps it is. But for those of you still reading, there’s a key idea behind it that ties into the time in which we all live.
No one can deny that there’s a lot going on in the 21st century. Information-wise, this epoch is unprecedented. But there’s a whole new change in the game as far as what’s expected from those of us who wish to carve out a Way for ourselves in this new and chaotic time.
Settling for a conventional, industrial-economy life, where everything is laid out for us (or at least, supposed to be) is not only harder to do, it has become less feasible than ever before. The dreary monotony of the 9 to 5 (or 5 to 9, as it is fast becoming known) is fast being kicked in favor of freelance lifestyles and self-employment. The days of white picket fences, 2.5 kids, a nice job with reliable benefits, are fast becoming a thing of the past.
So what does this have to do with being creative? Well, it has everything to do with being creative. See, I’m not just talking about the creativity of a great visual artist like Da Vinci or a genius mathematician like Einstein. No – I’m talking about the creativity within you – that amazing, brilliant life force you may not even know you have yet.
See, I believe that in the age of individualism (and like it or not, we’re there now), our Creativity is our most important asset. More important than looks, money, or even talent. Why? Because Creativity includes the following:
Resourcefulness, problem-solving, self-belief, optimism, positivity, the ability to synthesize ideas, mutually beneficial arrangements, passion, fun, excitement, joy, solution-oriented thinking, and intuition.
If we can get in touch with our Creativity, we can actually get in touch with all of the above qualities, and more. We can find answers to questions that we’ve been looking to our government, our parents, our bosses, the media, or the Joneses to answer. We can step up and start living lives of true purpose – lives that will allow us to thrive in this complicated and sometimes baffling modern Renaissance.
So start now. Get in touch with your Creativity. Write a paragraph. Play the guitar that’s been collecting dust in the corner. Draw. Go to a salsa dance class. Do something out of your comfort zone. Get in your right brain more.
What you find may surprise you…